Away Going South
After making a few calls on thursday morning letting
work know I wouldn't be in for the next few days, then
grabbing a few things I always travel with my camera, good
bit of reading, shades, worn in black thongs and some trunks
slung them in my bag and left mid morning. Getting off the freeway
heading South a little light rain on the wind shield, huge road
trucks and lots of country didn't really have a clue where I was
headed but I didn't really care!
Being stuck behind a truck carting hay on a single lane for an
hour was hells boring. We finally passed the traffic stopping
fuck. Going through Farming Towns Frankland, Wondering
and Boddington with winter set in and not a person in sight
you can tell there is little to do in these small country towns!
The first toilet stop was a place called Kojonup I think
population was 150, I really wonder what there is to do in
these remote places. Then again its peaceful in a Texas
Chainsaw Kinda way. I got out of the toastie car and into
ice winds and headed to the gents, which was off the side
of this hick little roadhouse. As i entered the bathroom
it felt like i had walked through a glad wrap screan of poo!
I had a slash and hot tailed it out of there, on the way out
i noticed a pin up girl sitting there with her legs open. There
was a little writing on it. It read "This town is not a hole
thats a fucking hole" Heavy!

Traffic Stopping Fuck.
Back on the road. Main roads soon turned into gravel
roads. As we drove round and round after having my
head in the map for so long I finally looked up to see a
gold fish view of the Far South,RAD! We ended up getting
to a little mountain cottage late afternoon which over
looked the whole South Coast, waiting was a nice meal, warm
barth and a king size bed over looking the mountaintops.
Wonder whats happening tomorrow.

The Cottage.

The View.
I got up super early the next day to a frosty dawn. Winter
this far south is really a lot colder than I thought. I
walked out onto the frozen varander to see the river hit
the Indian Ocean. I woke my lady for a little walk just
to check the place out it turned into a hour and a half hike
through chilling valleys and cow covered medows well
worth the stroll though.

On The Hike.
Got back to fresh mountain eggs
on a wood fired loaf for breakfast was hells good! We
decided to jump in the car and have more of a look around.
20 kms down the track we found a just born lamb. I got out
to put it back in the paddock, he made a mad dash under the
warm car, it took a while to get him out but we did. I ran over
to sling him back in as i through my leg over the fence i forgot
to check if it was hot or not, it was. My nuts got electrocuted
into my stomach. The lamb just wondered of to its mum I
walked of wondering if my nuts still worked! Ended up heading
back to the Cabin soon after that. Watched Chandler teach
Rick Kane how to slash on North Shore and found where Big
Al Knost got Beach Blanket Burnout from!
Forced indoors as a South Storm hit the mountain I guess its
pretty sick that you still get Foxtel up in the mountains.
Ended up cooped up indoors for the rest of the
evening, watched a few flicks then jumped into bed and
watched the storm come in.
Got up the next day the storm was still rattling on so we
left our mountain and headed further south to stay at some
close friends. We arrived late afternoon and had a snoop around
the small fishing town. There wasn't much to see apart from old
sea dogs and fishing boats its cool that there are still places like
this. Headed back to our friends place had a nice seafood dinner
with a few silky reds. Stayed up all night talking about music and
watching Music MAX on fox! Was woken up early by the young kids
and beaten up for an hour. Had some breaky and just relaxed
for the morning.

One Of The Young Skallywags.

The Long Road Home.
After hanging out for a while we decided to look at scooting
off. We had a long journey home and didn't wont to leave it
to late.We said our goodbyes and left. Roads Roads and more
dam roads for the long drive home. We had made it as far
South as you could go in Western Australia. The trip home
was real rank it didn't stop raining the hole way back. I've
just hit the sack 6 hours north back from the South, my room
is filled with city light, theres fuckwits hooning around
the streets I can't sleep. Give me back the South Country!