I have always wondered what people think of the men
in blue, other than having my own thoughts about these
guys I thought I'd ask everyone else. I hope the explicit
words aren't to much, because I didn't tone it down at all.
"Something the world needs I guess, Fucks though"
"In Australia they just wont to fuck you over for every
little thing. There so tedious! In other countries
money can do anything"
"I mean there Knobs, but someone has to do it. Who'd
want to patrol the streets all day long!"
"Irrits, I hated them when i got my street drinking fine"
"There just trying to do there job. Some are on a mad
power trip though!"
"There piss me off, especially when you get pulled over
and there cunts about it. Its like you know you've done
the wrong thing. They just keep fucking crying about it.
defiantly the kids that got bullied at school"
"Something the world needs. I guess it would be a little
like MAD MAX if we didn't have the pigs!"
"I have more problems with Bus Drivers"
"I Love Cops every time I get to liquored up I just do
something naughty and get a free ride home."

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